We attach great importance to the precise identification of microorganisms. By using the latest methods, such as mass spectrometric and morphological identification. This advanced approach makes it possible to accurately determine bacteria, yeasts and moulds in a short time – a decisive step in optimizing our analytical processes.

Mass spectrometric identification of microorganisms

Our institute follows recognized standards and guidelines such as ISO 15189 and CLSI M58 to ensure the highest quality standards. These standards are essential to maximize the accuracy of the results. GfPS mbH consistently relies on these proven standards.

Mass spectrometric identification is based on the analysis of the individual protein composition of a microorganism. The cells of the microorganisms are split using a matrix and ionized by a laser in the MALDI-TOF mass spectrometer. The size of the proteins released in this way is evaluated by a detector on the basis of their flight time in a vacuum. This creates an individual spectrum of the microorganism, which identifies it like a fingerprint. This technology enables rapid identification and thus supports efficient diagnostic processes.

MALDI-TOF-MS analysis is used to identify hygiene-relevant microorganisms such as Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Aspergillus niger, Candida albicans or antibiotic-resistant bacteria from the environmental sector.

Overall, the mass spectrometric identification of microorganisms makes a significant contribution to improving quality at our institute. Through consistent compliance with standards and integration into specialist networks, we are strengthening our position as a leading company in the field of microbiological diagnostics.


  • ISO 15189
  • CLSI M58

We are happy to support you with your questions regarding the identification of microorganisms using MALDI-TOF-MS analysis.

Morphological identification of microorganisms

The morphological identification of microorganisms is an important method for determining the species and type of microorganisms. It is based on the observation and description of external characteristics such as the shape, size, color and structure of the cells or colonies.

Various techniques are used to morphologically identify microorganisms. A frequently used method is microscopy, in which the cells are viewed under a microscope. Special staining methods can be used to make certain structures visible.

Another approach to identification is the observation of colonies on culture media. The microorganisms are cultivated on special agar plates and the resulting colonies are assessed for their shape, color, texture and other characteristics.

In addition to morphological identification, biochemical tests can also be carried out to obtain further information about the microorganisms. These tests are based on the reaction of organisms to certain substrates or enzymes.

The morphological identification of microorganisms is a fundamental step in microbiology and makes it possible to distinguish between different types of microorganisms. However, it is only one part of the overall identification process and should be used in combination with other methods to achieve accurate results.

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